Sunday, November 1, 2009

Domestic Engineer Position

Looking for person to fill household management position.  Applicant must be well rounded and available around the clock for general household management needs.  Qualifications are extensive and must have the ability to learn on the fly as situations warrant.  Must fulfill the following duties:

Childcare-be loving, attentive, be able to discipline and disciple children. Are responsible for children's physical, mental and spiritual well-being.  Breaks from this task will be few and far between and are not to be expected.On call nights always expected along with early mornings.

Education-must have associates are qualifying course to home-educate children.  Must be able to make set up and carry out curriculum course and enrichment activities. Are responsible for children's advancement in all fields of educational.  Some outsourcing may be available but varies depending on budget and time.

Domestic Duties- are responsible for the cleanliness and order in the house. Must be able to organize and clean quickly and efficiently. All areas the are cleaned will be quickly but back into disorder so must be very tolerant of these situations and have the energy and drive to continue.  Bathrooms, kitchen, dining and all bedroom areas must be reasonably clean at all times. Laundry is a constant duty and must be tended to daily. Will also be expected to complete three meals plus snacks for entire family and occasional guests on day to day basis.  Must also set and clean up after said meals. Must also do all shopping for household and complete grocery and project lists.

Nutritionist-Must come up with meals described in above paragraph. Meals with few exceptions must be nutritional, balanced and palatable for all members of household.  Also must be well versed in current and lasting nutritional trends and have extensive knowledge on vitamins and supplements. Are also responsible to see that all children and potentially adults meet their daily dietary needs.

Home Physician-Must be able to deal with day to day illness and injury and know when to take children and adults to physician.  Must also be able to deal with medications, bandaging, vomiting, diarrhea, crankiness and a variety of other physical problems. Must be also deal be empathetic with all family members complaints while keeping own complaints to a minimum.

Secretary/Accountant- Responsible for the budget and money flow. Must make sure day to day bills are paid, calls are placed and received, documents are filed properly, all tax information and legal documentation is taken care of and savings and retirement are also seen to.  Must set and see to keeping appointments and canceling if required.

Home Repair and Maintenance-Must see to the day to day repair of the home and yard.  Will be in charge of winterizing, updating, storing, repairing or replacing all items around the house. Must also build and adjust the home for the efficiency of the household.

Appearance-Must maintain a desirable and pleasing appearance for the majority of the time.  Are expected to maintain an upbeat attitude and reasonable amount of energy.

Pet Care-Are responsible to feed, water, train, schedule vet visits and clean various animals that reside within the house. Are responsible for messes made by animals, children or the combination of both.  Must also be a part of life and death decisions regarding pets.

Compensation- Will work for room and board an occasional perks to make your job easier as necessary. No thank yous are to be expected though may be appreciated from time to time.  Most of your job will go unnoticed and you will be valued less by most of working world for maintaining this job. No monetary funds will be paid for this position.

Duration- Once this job is accepted it is a lifetime position.  Some duties will be less demanding as time goes on but may be replaced by new responsibilities.  Quitting will result in dire consequences and is not an option.

If you are interested in this position please contact 555-2922.  Many positions are just waiting to be filled.
If this sounds awful, go hug a stay at home mom.  We're not as lazy as you think.  :)