Sunday, September 30, 2012

Trying to Get Sew Organized

Amongst other things today, I decided to finally get through the two bins of various fabric that has been sitting in "Bob" for quite a few weeks now. I discovered them when I cleaned out behind Gabe's bed a while back.   A little over a bin full is going back to my mom, but the remainder made me think that I really needed to get on top of some of my sewing projects or I'm going to have to not do them at all.  So, I decided today was the day. I sat down and dusted off (literally) my mom's old surger and started with a small piece to get the loose threads though.  First time, a thread came out. Not big deal, needed to fix the tension...apparently someone has been playing with the knobs.  Got it all strung up properly and continued on.  Wow, what a noise!  I opened it up thinking someone was trapped and trying to get out to discover that I had bent the needle.  Of course. I finally set out to do something and something goes wrong.  It's been one of those weeks though. I tried to finally use my deep fryer I bought a month ago only to discover I didn't have enough oil to fill it to minimum, I got the sandwiches made for french dips only to realize I didn't have au jus packets or beef bullion anywhere, and I decided to make salsa but was instead greeted with spoiled cilantro in the fridge.  Just one of those weeks.  There is more, but I wont go into it.

On the positive side, I finally found a use for the picnic basket that we never use but that I think is adorable...

I also found what I think was an old server tower that works perfectly as a potato/root bin.

  Notice how perfectly it fits in that little niche that left for space in the kitchen?  The only thing I wish was  easy to add was some casters, but hubby says that's going to take a little bit of work which means if I wait for that to be done it will be in the garage until it's ruined.  So, I gorilla taped felt to the bottom. Tacky, yes. Functional and easy, yes. I can live with tacky if it's functional enough. Now, maybe I should get the basket off the top of that poor spider plant.  And as you can see I got oil, so I think french fries are in our future.  God bless!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Loathe the Flylady

After finishing the day with the kids by refusing to stay in the awful mess that is my children's rooms to do our bedtime ritual, I did the sensible thing: I googled "help! My messy house is making me a crazy cranky mom!". Ok, so maybe that isn't the sensible thing to do.  It was somewhat calming to know I'm not the only mother who feels this way.  I do wish sometimes that I was one of those special people who can not even see the mess.  But as my mom pointed out, that is likely a road that leads to some reality television show.  Even so, I wish I could be calm in chaos.  I'm just not. So, looking for solutions I went to a frequently recommended site, 
Oh, flylady, how you taunt me.  I don't really hate her, but it always seems I read the most ridiculous suggestions of how my life "could and should" be on her site.  The gem of tonight, bedtime routines. Her's includes cleaning the kitchen just after dinner, running a bath, quick clutter patrol, free time, devotions and snuggles with the hubby.  Gag, laugh, sputter and snort.  Really, the image of her telling me it is possible to have such a routine with three children, critters and a spouse that is certainly not a cleaning makes me almost violent.  It's not that I begrudge her the life of luxury, but that she somehow implies that this is possible given the right amount of work and planning really ticks me off.  I think I have the same feelings toward Dave Ramsey.  Sure, being out of debt is a great thing, but taking advice and giving TONS of money to a dude that made his millions off of those looking for help just seems so wrong.  Life doesn't always....or ever according to a book.  Well, not just any book. So, that is where I need to be going. What does the Bible say about a messy house?
Nothing. It says nothing about a messy house.  It says loads about how we treat each other, quite a bit on not being lazy and fair amount on our attitudes.  So, lets see, advice to live by for today...for me. Take what you will.

1)But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  -Matt.6:33

What is my priority? Do I make time for this one?  And the peace that I've been lacking is promised if I do this. So, my first priority should be to make time to seek the Lord....even if the sink is overflowing and the cat just vomited on the floor.  I need this to be a priority.

 2)“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
-Matthew 18:1-6

Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.
-Colossians 3:21

My children are precious, God has a plan for them and their lives. I need to remember to treat them as the gifts that they are.  I also need to remember that they are on loan from God, ultimately they are His and my time with them, in this role is limited.  It wont last forever and I need to make sure it is spend wisely and cherished.

3)Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
-Proverbs 22:6

Again, God has a plan for their lives. My role as a mother is to prepare them for whatever may await their future.  I will seek the plan God has for their lives and teach them to do the same. I also need to teach them the skills and wisdom they will need in those roles, which likely will include laundry.  Unless of course they join a nudist colony.  Even then I'm sure they will still need to learn some cleaning skills.  

4) Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
-Nehemiah 8:9-11

The JOY of the Lord is my strength. Not the sorrow, not the anger, not the judgement or vengeance.  The joy!  What a wonderful God we have if His joy is what gives are strength and spurs us on. And what an example of leadership.  I wonder what the outcome of a truly joyful mommy would be on our household. One that is a servant, like our Lord, and is joyful in the tasks set before her.  

This is my prayer and hope, that our house can be a joyful place, a peaceful place, and Lord willing, a semi-clean place.  But in the end, I can stress myself out about the mess, I can beg and plead, bribe and cry for help with things, if it's not God led, it wont last. If I don't follow the Lord with my own heart, attitudes and actions, what hope is there of my children developing a relationship with the Lord that will also result in a giving, loving, servants heart?  No, tomorrow is a new day, and tomorrow this mommy will devote herself to her God, her husband, her children, her neighbors, her creatures, and let the other pieces fall where they may. God promised to provide, and I've walked with Him long enough to know he will.  Sometimes I just need a reminder.  

Oh, and bless the flylady in her bubble bath too.  When we walk the streets of gold together, it really isn't going to matter who had a shiny sink.