Big topic lately is gun control and something I've pondered for quite a while is the question, "why do people need guns meant to kill people." Assault rifle is a misnomer that I refuse to propagate. We shoot the coyotes for our neighbor and skunks and racoons with what could be called an "assault rifle". So, moving on. The usual response to this is to keep the government in check to which the reply is the government has larger weapons and it wouldn't do you any good anyhow. I somewhat subscribed to this thought until looking in the progression of the rise of Hitler. Here are the events unfolding as I see them happening. This is just my screwtape letter moment thinking as if I were a power that wished to remove a people.
Problem 1: The need for a militia.
Currently most of the military is highly patriotic and for upholding the constitution. I cannot fathom them attacking their own people. They, quite frankly, are those that will be attacked. So, what to do. The first step is well underway. You need a population of people that depend on the government. People that don't know how to exist, to live, without the help of the government. These are not bad people. They are not cruel or evil. They are just ordinary people that have bought a lie. These people want to live. And they will take a "job" from the government if it becomes necessary to sustain their "livelihood".
Problem 2: These people want to live.
Unlike our military who are willing to die for a cause and know it is quite possible, these people are not willing to give their lives for a meal. So, if you want these people to confront the "offenders" that need to be removed, you have to remove as much risk as possible. You have to disarm the rebels and arm the new militia.
Problem 3: People will likely question and complain if their neighbors, friends, coworkers are killed in the street.
So, instead of killing them right there, you convince everyone for everyone's safety they need to be moved to a secure location. Somewhere they can live quietly without causing violence and without being hurt themselves. It's for everyone's benefit. This is a temporary idea. Many people are out of sight, out of mind. Once you have everyone rounded up you can begin dehumanizing them. Once they are not longer seen as friends, neighbors, family, then you can treat them as you will. Normal people will turn into monsters and will not see any difference between killing a person and squashing a bug. Problem solved.
So, there is my rough draft of a possibility for our future in America. And that is why being armed is an issue and a right that our founding fathers knew was necessary. That is why it matters. There is no denying the statistics that the possibility of a victim being armed deters a criminal, possibly even keeps a person from becoming a criminal. It makes a difference. It does matter. And if you think I'm a conspiracy person, that this isn't possible, just remember, those who don't study history are bound to repeat it. And it happened not long ago.