Exciting, I know. Oh well, it give me something to look back on. And it's been bugging me for a while now. First, the beginning.
Yikes, I know. First things first, clear it off. I like to put things in a box or bin as I'm clearing so I don't spend a ton of time chasing things around on the floor or fishing them out of the catch in the drain. This is what we have when that is done.
The shelf is breathing a sigh of relief. I wiped down everything with the baby wipe and proceeded to put everything in their proper places.
Does anyone else having something like this laying around? I bought it looking for a non-toxic deodorant that worked and it didn't. Now what do I do with it? For now my natural remedies bin is empty so I'm going to throw it in there. I'll probably chuck it when I go through those bins or maybe look for some other alternative use for it. Sorry, bunny trail there.
After everything is put away this is what I have left (notice the I also emptied the garbage):
Suddenly there is room! I'm leaving the basket to toss my jewelry in at night so I can put it away with the light on in the morning. I'm terrible at going to bed at the same time as hubby.
I put it all back and this is what I have.
Ahhh....much better. As a side note, I think this warning label is hilarious and have left it on.
As I left the bathroom feeling all accomplished I noticed this:
30 seconds and a baby wipe later I had this:
And two little areas are clean! Go me! I'll just pretend I don't notice everything else for five minutes.
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