Saturday, August 4, 2012

Testing: Homemade bathroom cleaner

I must confess I actually did this a few days ago, but I wanted to share.  I tested one of the recipes for homemade bathroom cleaner consisting of 2 cups vinegar heated on the stove (our microwave has been broken for...oh...9 months) with 2 T cornstarch and 4 T dawn dish soap.  My standard is scrubbing bubbles which allows me to wipe the three weeks of grime away without much work.  I know, terrible.

So, this was an easy recipe to make. I did one on the stove heating the need to mix the cornstarch first while it's cold...a lesson I learned the hard way.  Moved it to a spray bottle and added the dish soap and shook it up.  So far, so good.  Smell was vinegarry but not too terrible.  Here is the starting point on the bathroom.  For the faint of heart, look away.

Before you have a heart attack about the sink, it looks like this every day even after I wash it thanks to children who love the mud. And I did finally empty the garbage...which looks like that every three days thanks to allergies. Moving on.  I sprayed the bathroom down with the mixture. Wow....if I ever wanted to chemically remove the hair from my nostrils and any that might possibly be down my throat that would be the way to do it.  We eventually vacated the house to the park while it sat for an hour.  Somehow spraying it around was even worse than boiling it.

I came home and began to work on wiping down the bathrooms.  They were still burning strong smelling which was made even more unpleasant by the fact I had to stay in there a while scrubbing on the various fixtures.  No easy wipe it off was happening here.  It did look more white than I think it does after Scrubbing Bubbles, but it certainly didn't get everything off.  The smell also lingered all night long.  If I was doing the mad dash cleaning before a party I would probably call the event off due to being horrified by the smell, which if you know me is saying a lot. Here's the outcome:

Overall, I'm giving this a D.  I did work mostly, but took a lot of elbow grease, was somewhat inconvenient to make and smelled terrible.  Really, it was awful.  If it wasn't for that I would have given it better marks but I can't believe someone hasn't mentioned this before when suggesting it.  Truly awful.

1 comment:

  1. Well, now I know not to waste my time on THAT particular concoction. Thanks. LOL
