Friday, August 10, 2012

Testing: Baking soda to clean oven glass

I really wanted to try some of the other bathroom cleaners but totally spaced on some of the ingredients. So today, something I do have. Baking soda.  I recently read a post where a fellow blogger said she noticed her stove was icky and used her "go to" cleaner: baking soda.  The end result was a pretty, shiny, perfect looking glass window to her oven stove.  Awesome I thought.  This is what mine currently looks like. 

So, apparently I think to clean the glass on the oven about as often as it occurs to me to vacuum behind the dryer.  With much anticipation I unwrapped a new sponge and covered window in baking soda.  After a bit of scrubbing I thought perhaps adding some liquid dish soap would help start to dissolve the grease and let the baking soda do it's work.

The results were rather underwhelming, at best.  I'm now determined to have a clean oven glass door. I grab my trusty standby tool.

It's eco friendly, cost effective and works really well. The downside, you can cut yourself, take off coating if there is any and scratch things if you aren't careful. Use at your own risk.  After five minutes of careful work with my trusty razor this is what I had.

Yea, much more gratifying.  Finishing up this is what I had.

I did go back over it with the baking soda and sponge but the kids were getting hungry and the little voices ringing in my ears made me forget to take the final picture.  It took a TON of elbow grease to get even the last part off.  I was getting worried I'd break the oven door off the hinges.  And this was only the small upper oven! So, another underwhelming home cleaning products. Oh, and there is also a residue from the baking soda, so if you still decide to use it after my experience my advice is this: rinse well and don't plan on doing it after an arm workout. 

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