Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wow, what happened to my kitchen.

Just a quick post to tattle on myself and my family for the ridiculous disarray that they frequently leave my house in.  Here is what I was welcomed to after a mommy break outing:

Apparently here my four year old son was looking for something. Notice the chair to climb up and all the cupboards left open.

And this is what it looks like if I miss doing dishes for a day.  It was my birthday though, so I refuse to feel bad about it.
This is our bird Micah and one of his favorite spots.  It's rather annoying because as many bird owners know a healthy bird poops every fifteen minutes.  I go through a lot of baby wipes cleaning up after him.  It is rather humorous watching him swing on the door when we get into the fridge.  What does he have to do with the post though?  Well, he also like to climb in cupboards and explore, so when they are left open he occasionally enters and has more than one been shut in.  It also means I get to clean that cupboard because of the aforementioned bird fact.

So,  at least a half hour of frantic cleaning and my kitchen now looks like this:


Not perfect, but certainly an improvement.  I can be sane when it's in this state. Otherwise, I'm a little crazy....and I never want to cook when it's a mess.  Go figure.  To be honest though, it's a mess again from making oven fried chicken last night and baking banana bread.  So, no more blogging for me today, it's hubby's birthday and I have a kitchen to clean....again.

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